Call Center Cubicles


Generally telemarketing call center initially got convinced with this type furniture where minimal furniture is required. Now days such type of set up is the one which gives a feel and environment of a Call Center. This is the setup which gives complete solution for a call center agent includes a space for a telephone and a computer.

These modular cubicles are small in size, compact and some of the basic important system components such as worktop, storage system like shelfs and drawers. As of now business started to coming online with a rise in cost of real estate, every inch of available space matters which leads to these call center cubicles system.

Normally, the arrangement of cluster comes in 6-8-10-12 with a large cabin of a floor manager and other team leads. These workstations in call center generally come with a backpanel height of 3ft and upto 6ft tall. In any office the perfect balance between privacy and interaction plays an important role. That is the only reason the height of panel matters alot while selecting a office furniture as per your need.

Call us today at 9999022776, 7053181818 for more information.

Call Center Workstations – Cubicles